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MONKEY's Monthly Feng Shui Forecast in 2018

Monthly Feng Shui Forecast, Horoscope & Luck Analysis for Chinese Zodiac Monkey in the Year of the Dog 2018

Monthly Horoscope & Feng Shui Forecast 2018 for Monkey

Those with Zodiac sign Monkey are born in Chinese Lunar Year 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004 and 2016

Click below to read other zodiac horoscope monthly forecast:

Rat Ox Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake Horse Sheep Monkey Rooster Dog Pig


1st Month (4th-Feb to 5th-Mar 2018)
MONKEY's Monthly Luck Rating – AVERAGE

Physical effects from the #2 Illness Star could occur for this year’s beginning, but mentally, you have good ideas and goals. Because your element luck is good, this could help you overcome minor health issues. But don’t be discouraged if you still have trouble achieving all you desire now. Call upon your allies for help rather than trying to accomplish everything yourself, because this is when you could push yourself too hard and court illness.  Rather than taking on too many new projects, concentrate on what you have already begun, at least for now.

More Feng Shui products to counter #2 Illness Flying Star

Students excel in studies but could feel a sense of “burnout” because of the #2. Keep a steady but comfortable pace instead of biting off more than you can chew or trying to do it all. In love, Monkeys shouldn’t fear taking the lead in a relationship, setting the pace to match their energy level. The single could actually feel too tired to do any major pursuing of a partner If a relationship does emerge, it’s probably with someone you already know or who is in your environment already.  Take things easy – better energy is on its way.

See our Love charms. Carry a Bejeweled Golden Double Happiness Keychain to enhance love luck.


2nd Month (6th-Mar to 4th-Apr 2018)
MONKEY's Monthly Luck Rating – EXCELLENT

Blessings arrive for the Monkey with the 1/6 HoTu combination. The #1 Victory Star offers chances for major success and the #6 Heaven Star helps take you to heights you’ve been hoping for. To maximize the possibilities available to you, consider displaying the 1/6 HoTu Dragon Carp Stamp on your desk, in your home sector of the Southwest. Use the stamp on letters or important papers. Opportunities arrive that could help you see what your perfect career looks like. This could include a new job offering, but think carefully before accepting it. If it truly feels right, go ahead. If not, consider making expansions where you are currently. Your leadership skills shine through and you can receive the support you need from co-workers. Wealth luck will be slowly building towards something amazing, so be patient. If you are in research, or have an invention idea, now is the time to access your knowledge and charge ahead.

More Feng Shui products to awaken the #1 Victory Flying Star

Love is good for Monkeys but you may desire spending some quiet time alone. This can help you become a better partner, since it relaxes and recharges you.  Your nature desires independent rather than clingy people in a relationship anyway. Take things slow if your relationship is new – let it build before talking commitment, until you really feel the person is the right one and you are ready to blend your lives without being needy of one another. Students are focused on studies and have great things ahead, especially the Wood Monkey.

Enhance your relationship luck with our Love luck Feng Shui charms. Carry a Bejeweled Double Happiness Keychain to enhance love luck.

To enhance academic or career luck, carry a Dragon Gate Scholastic and Good Career Keychain, Education and Scholastic Keychain or Feng Shui Scholastic Keychain for Education Luck


3rd Month (5th-Apr to 5th-May 2018)
MONKEY's Monthly Luck Rating – GOOD

Expect some good luck to come your way, Monkeys!  The #6 Heavenly Star is present and is made even more auspicious by the presence of the #9 Magnifying Star as well. You will sense this good fortune, increasing your confidence and enthusiasm and making you popular with friends and co-workers. Projects and plans look promising, even if an obstacle presents itself, so rather than overthinking and waiting for the problem to resolve, move forward!  It could be that your boss gives you more responsibilities because they know you can handle them, but take this as a compliment, stay calm, and prove that you’re worthy of their trust in you. Keep an eye out for new opportunities that could come from networking or attending social events, though it’s best to just consider these opportunities for now, rather than taking on too much at once.

More Feng Shui enhancers to magnify the #9 Future Prosperity Flying Star

Confidence runs high for the student now, but be careful not to be so sure of yourself and your knowledge that you think you don’t need to do your best or study enough. There is some tension in the romance department for Monkeys now. Singles could be better off waiting for another time to pursue “the right one”, and committed Monkeys may encounter a fight with their partner, unless they are careful of what is said and done.

Carry a Bejeweled Double Happiness Keychain to enhance love luck.

To enhance academic or career luck, carry a Dragon Gate Scholastic and Good Career Keychain, Education and Scholastic Keychain or Feng Shui Scholastic Keychain for Education Luck


4th Month (6th-May to 5th-Jun 2018)
MONKEY's Monthly Luck Rating – GOOD

Money luck greets Monkeys now, but there is a possibility for good luck in many forms, as well. This is all due to the #8 Prosperity Star, which helps you achieve goals and make new plans. Even something that you weren’t sure you could accomplish suddenly seems within reach. Take advantage of opportunities that come your way because good fortune in career and business luck are favored. To maximize prosperity that’s around you, wear the Mystic Knot for everlasting luck and consider a jade amulet as well. Another suggestion is to place a wind chime in your Southwest sector, to direct good fortune your way.

More Feng Shui enhancers to boost the #8 Wealth Star

Student Monkeys enjoy good study luck and may even find interest and success in subjects they never were fond of before. Open up to the study and learning energy and it helps you excel. In love, Monkeys have delightful opportunities. Those in relationships have better understanding and communications with their partner, creating more happiness than in the past few months. The single Monkey has potential for admirers to be attracted to them so help yourself to a new connection or friend – a serious romance could blossom from this.

Display a pair of Mandarin Ducks to enhance your love luck.

To enhance academic or career luck, display a 7 or 9-tier Pagoda in your study room and carry a Dragon Gate Scholastic and Good Career Keychain, Education and Scholastic Keychain or Feng Shui Scholastic Keychain for Education Luck


5th Month (6th-June to 6th-July 2018)
MONKEY's Monthly Luck Rating – BAD

It’s stressful for Monkeys now, and danger is another area to beware of. Where normally the presence of the #6 Heaven Star would be a blessing and enough to overcome most anything, its Metal energy combines with the Metal #7 Robbery/Loss Star’s energy to create harm of a minor or major nature. Feng shui amulets should be added to the home or office, including the Anti-Robbery Amulet, because a burglary is possible otherwise. At work, friendly co-workers may turn on you for their own good or because they’re jealous. Beware propositions that are unethical or dishonest in nature. They may at first seem good, but your moral compass will honestly tell you that they could lead you astray. Keep your good plans and ideas to yourself so no one steals them. Watch spending and curtail investments now or financial loss is a real possibility.

 More Feng Shui remedies to pacify the #7 Robbery/Violent Flying Star

Love or romance are on the back burner now, which is ok with you because they are really not of keen interest to you. Being alone for now isn’t bad and can offer some peace. The Monkey in a relationship with someone who’s needy may be tempted to end things because it’s too much to bear now. Students should consider adding hobbies into their life to balance the studying they are doing, in order to achieve happiness.

See our Love charms.


6th Month (7th-July to 7th-Aug 2018)
MONKEY's Monthly Luck Rating – BAD

The blessings of the #6 Heaven Star arrive in double energy for Monkeys and this positively affects all aspects of life. People notice you and your ideas in a favorable way at work, so if you’ve been wanting to suggest a new technique or project, feel free, even if it means more responsibilities for you. Success seems quite likely and this could be your time to shine. Gui Ren luck provides potential for a mentor in the form of a boss or other trusted business associate – be open to advice and support and if chances for networking arise, take advantage as this could bring potential blessings down the road as well. Feel free to step slightly out of your normal routine or comfort area, since risks are blessed, as long as your instincts tell you the opportunity is a good one. Display the Gui Ren Plaque for Nobleman Luck and carry a Jade Emperor Heaven Luck Feng Shui Keychain if you want optimize the Star.

More Feng Shui products to enhance the #6 Heaven Star

Love is blessed and highly pleasant, with admirers in abundance, should you desire them. This is very flattering and enjoyable, but it could be that you’ll want to take love to a more serious level. If you think there is someone you’d like as a potential long-term partner, let them know, or the opportunity could pass by. On the other hand, a relationship that was going nowhere could come to an end, in order for both of you to find a newer, happier one. Students are blessed with mentor luck and would be advised to accept it as it adds to chances for expanded knowledge and experience.

Enhance your relationship luck with our Love luck charms.


7th Month (8th-August to 7th-September 2018)
MONKEY's Monthly Luck Rating – CAUTIOUS

Lying low is the best advice for Monkeys now, because frustration arrives with the #5 Yellow Misfortune Star. It’s not a time for new ventures or projects, and if at all possible, avoid having major surgery now – it’s risky. There’s potential for financial opportunities this month but the overall outlook isn’t the best. Warding off the negative effects of the #5 can be encouraged by displaying the 5 Element Feng Shui Pagoda in your Southwest sector, and carrying the 5 Element Pagoda Feng Shui Keychain. Wearing the color white also helps keep unfortunate energy at a distance. Work and career are affected this month and it’s important to manage your time better and keep a schedule that is comfortable.

More Feng Shui products to subdue #5 Flying Star

It’s not the most romantic month for the Monkey, who will be highly sensitive to any criticism or the hint of a harsh word. Wait until another time to express secret feelings you’ve had for someone to make sure they are well received, or it could cause heartache. The student Monkey, especially the 14-year-old Wood Monkey, could feel pressured by studies and could use the help of more sleep and a balance of studying and leisure time to provide a more peaceful outlook.

Enhance your relationship luck with our Love luck Feng Shui charms.

To enhance academic or career luck, display a 7 or 9-tier Pagoda in your study room and carry a Dragon Gate Scholastic and Good Career Keychain, Education and Scholastic Keychain or Feng Shui Scholastic Keychain for Education Luck


8th Month (8th-September to 7th-October 2018)
MONKEY's Monthly Luck Rating – EXCELLENT

Relationship luck of all types, business and personal, is favored now due to the presence of the #4 Peach Blossom Star. You’ll feel enthusiastic and confident, and people will be drawn to you at work or in your private life. Any networking done, or social events attended, show promise in establishing new friendships or business opportunities. The #6 Heaven Star is also present and this forms a 1/6 Ho Tu for Monkeys. Step out of your comfort zone – be creative and open minded for best success. You’ll have heightened knowledge but may also be inclined to take a course or training to increase it even more.

More Feng Shui products to activate #4 Peach Blossom Star - to enhance love and education luck.

It’s a romantic time for Monkeys this month. Singles could find someone special and those in a relationship may decide to deepen it, including an engagement or marriage. Be careful to avoid a petty disagreement, though, and avoid the #4’s potential for infidelity. The student has luck with studies and may even have an opportunity for a scholarship or academic award.

Carry a Bejeweled Double Happiness Keychain to enhance love luck.



9th Month (8th-October to 6th-November 2018)
MONKEY's Monthly Luck Rating – CAUTIOUS


If given the chance, the #3 Quarrelsome Star is poised to create tension and stress for Monkeys. It will be necessary to watch what you do or say to avoid arguments, and try not to react quickly and angrily to what others say or do. Misinterpretations or hurt feelings are partly to blame for negativity this month. Your normal sense of humor is more important than ever now, to tame anger and smooth over relationships both business and personal. To help prevent negativity, carry the Tzi Chi Kau Red Dog Amulet Feng Shui Keychain with you. At work, office politics and gossip are a real possibility. Steer clear of discussions rather than offering an opinion you’ll regret. Place a Rooster figurine on your desk to help “peck away” gossip or the threat of a co-worker trying to undermine you and your work.

More Feng Shui products to tame the #3 Quarrelsome Star

Romance suffers now, and it’s necessary to take better care of your relationship to avoid getting into an argument you’ll both regret. Walk away rather than trying to “win.” Students would be better off studying alone and spending quiet time because an argument with a friend could cause stress that spills over into distraction from studies and tests.

Carry a Bejeweled Golden Double Happiness Keychain to enhance love luck.
To enhance academic or career luck, carry a Bejeweled Golden Double Happiness Keychain, Dragon Gate Scholastic and Good Career Keychain or Education and Scholastic Keychain.



10th Month (7th-November to 6th-December 2018)
MONKEY's Monthly Luck Rating – CAUTIOUS


The #2 Illness and Accident Star makes it necessary for this horoscope sign to use caution and better protect themselves. Get more rest, eat a balanced diet and pace yourself to conserve energy for important tasks that can’t be postponed until later. Any number of feng shui health amulets can be chosen to help keep major illness from settling in. Those who sleep in the Southwest sector should consider sleeping elsewhere now, especially Monkey children. At work, focus on what projects you’ve already begun rather than seeking new ones to avoid stress, and devise a schedule you can comfortably keep. Co-workers are willing to help you and it’s wise to accept. This isn’t the time to make big decisions or sign deals, and double check your work since your lagging energy could make you somewhat careless.

More Feng Shui products to overcome #2 Sickness Flying Star

Romance is the happiest aspect of the Monkey’s chart now, offering some peace and excitement. Deepening a relationship may be on your mind, or you may develop the courage to pursue someone you’ve had your eye on. The student Monkey needs to take better care with extra sleep and good eating habits, because all energy will be needed to meet deadlines and do well in studies.

Display a pair of Mandarin Ducks to enhance your love luck.
To enhance academic or career luck, carry a Dragon Gate Scholastic and Good Career Keychain or Education and Scholastic Keychain.



11th Month (7th-December 2018 to 5th-January 2019)
MONKEY's Monthly Luck Rating – AVERAGE

Although a few occurrences are less than ideal for Monkeys, there is still room for optimism and success now, thanks to the #1 Victory Flying Star which flies in to encourage success and luck in competitive situations. This could lead to a promotion or elevation in duties in work situations. Projects are successfully begun and competed, and new plans can be made. It’s worth considering the feng shui advice of displaying the Feng Shui Victory Banner for Success Luck in the Southwest sector at home to activate the best of this success energy. Power Elephant with Warrior and Magic Barrel can also be displayed to maximize successful outcomes, and carrying the Prosperity Victory Amulet Feng Shui Keychain is often used to draw victory near. Change may be necessary to maximize the victory you seek and this could even mean a change of job or moving to a new location. Think this through carefully as it is a big step. For many Monkeys, though, the change is more about extra responsibilities or a new title.

More Feng Shui products to awaken the #1 Victory Flying Star

In love, singles will have admirers approaching them and should enjoy a happy time of dating. Some Monkeys see this as the time to take a relationship to the next level, whether it’s an engagement or even a marriage. Enjoy one another! In studies, students have good study luck that may lead to a scholarship or other scholastic reward.

Mandarin Ducks are excellent Love luck enhancers.
To enhance academic or career luck, carry a Dragon Gate Scholastic and Good Career Keychain or Education and Scholastic Keychain.


12th Month (6th-January to 3rd-February 2019)
MONKEY's Monthly Luck Rating – GOOD

Monkeys have a busy end to the year, but this makes things look promising. Work efforts are appreciated and a mentor, courtesy of the #6 Heaven Star, could step up to open doors or offer wise advice. With good energy, you can accomplish many tasks and perhaps have a new appreciation for your career. This is a good time to make big plans and even think of expanding your business or team members, if you desire. Just don’t become too overly confident when things go well, or those who support you could be offended.

More Feng Shui enhancers to magnify the #9 Future Prosperity Flying Star

Passion ignites for several Monkeys and this could be good or bad, depending on the situation. Singles reap benefits from the love energy and have admirers to choose from. Those in a relationship must beware sexual temptation, however, especially the male Monkeys. Students have a busy month ahead and need to juggle studies with recreation rather than trying to take on too much at once. A teacher or professor is happy to offer advice and suggestions if you choose to take them.
See our Relationship luck charms.
To enhance academic or career luck, carry a Dragon Gate Scholastic and Good Career Keychain or Education and Scholastic Keychain.



Read our annual Feng Shui Horoscope Forecast 2018 here.
Monkey Horoscope 2018

The annual Feng Shui Horoscope Forecast 2019 available now.
Horoscope 2019 for Monkeys available too.


