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RABBIT's Monthly Feng Shui Forecast in 2018

Monthly Feng Shui Forecast, Horoscope & Luck Analysis for Chinese Zodiac Rabbit in the Year of the Dog 2018

Monthly Horoscope & Feng Shui Forecast 2018 for Rabbit

Those with Zodiac sign Rabbit are born in Chinese Lunar Year 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999 and 2011

Click below to read other zodiac horoscope monthly forecast:

Rat Ox Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake Horse Sheep Monkey Rooster Dog Pig


1st Month (4th-Feb to 5th-Mar 2018)
RABBIT's Monthly Luck Rating – CAUTIOUS

The year 2018 begins auspiciously for the Rabbit. Goals can make progress and new opportunities open up if you are willing to do some work and remain dedicated. There could be a few roadblocks but try to stay positive.  The sum-of-ten is formed, but part of it comes from the #3 Quarrelsome Star, meaning there could be some stress or tension ahead. At the office, you could face criticism or arguments. Carrying a Peace and Harmony Amulet can help tame your temper and that of your co-workers. Success can still be achieved, but beware jealousy and make sure you have achieved the success by staying true to yourself and not just trying to keep peace by going along with others.

More Feng Shui products to weaken the #3 Hostility Flying Star

Young Rabbits are moving ahead in studies but should keep a schedule that prevents deadlines from being missed. Work alone for the most part and balance studies and social activities. Love is pleasant for many Rabbits. Singles could have trouble finding someone because your temper flares too easily. Married or committed Rabbits could disagree more – don’t try to win every discussion or a major problem could arise.

See our Love luck Feng Shui charms. Carry a Bejeweled Double Happiness Keychain to enhance love luck.


2nd Month (6th-Mar to 4th-Apr 2018)
RABBIT's Monthly Luck Rating – CAUTIOUS

Even though two negative stars – the #2 Illness and the #7 Robbery/Loss – could affect your luck now, the good news is that they create the Big Wealth Ho Tu when combined. Opportunities will find you; in fact, perhaps more will appear than you can focus on. Deadlines at work could stress you and, because of the #2 Star, it won’t take much to weaken your energy. Rabbits face a lowered immunity and this could also prevent you from working at full speed. Get rest and relaxation time to keep up your guard. Keep a good rapport with trusted co-workers who will gladly help you now. Big wealth looks promising, including the potential for good results from wise investments. But don’t be impatient - give these wealth moves time to reach their potential. Just make sure investments are wise and not too good to be true.

More Feng Shui products to overcome #2 Sickness Flying Star

Due to your hard work and progress, love may not be uppermost on your mind. Singles would be wise to wait a bit before seeking a serious relationship. Even if you think you have a special someone in mind, take it slow for the time being. Students could suffer low energy and need to balance studying with taking time to themselves, including avoiding parties or late nights out.

See our Love luck Feng Shui charms. Carry a Bejeweled Golden Double Happiness Keychain to enhance love luck.

To enhance academic or career luck, carry a Dragon Gate Scholastic and Good Career Keychain, Education and Scholastic Keychain or Feng Shui Scholastic Keychain for Education Luck


3rd Month (5th-Apr to 5th-May 2018)
RABBIT's Monthly Luck Rating – GOOD

With the presence of the #1 Victory Flying Star, the Rabbit is in for some fascinating luck now. It’s possible to overcome competition and complete projects you previously started. The presence of the Big Auspicious magnifies the power of the #1, meaning dreams could come true. Normally, you might fear taking risks, but a few well-chosen ones, that you instinctively feel good about, show great promise. Keeping a positive attitude holds the key to your success now. To stay positive and motivated, carry the Victory Amulet with you for continued success. It’s possible the Rabbit may receive a job offer outside the place where they work now. Before jumping at it, think it through carefully. But if you feel it’s really right for you, don’t  let anyone try to talk you out of it.

More Feng Shui products to awaken the #1 Victory Flying Star

The student Rabbit succeeds with exams and studies, and if a competition comes along, chances of winning are strong. In love and romance, you’ll attract admirers with your personality.  Just make sure you balance work and romance so neither suffers. Some Rabbits will deepen a relationship now.

See our Love luck enhancers.

To enhance academic or career luck, carry a Dragon Gate Scholastic and Good Career Keychain, Education and Scholastic Keychain or Feng Shui Scholastic Keychain for Education Luck


4th Month (6th-May to 5th-Jun 2018)
RABBIT's Monthly Luck Rating – CAUTIOUS

Two negative stars threaten Rabbits now, bringing potential harm of a physical or monetary nature. The #7 Robbery/Loss Star creates the need to watch for betrayal at work or home, as well as money loss from business deals or a robbery. To make matters worse, the #9 Magnifying Star is present and doubles the possibilities for the #7’s influence. Beware jealousy or betrayal, even from someone you would otherwise trust. When you do have some success, keep it to yourself rather than courting envy. Projects that you began earlier in the year could be moving ahead, but it could cause you to feel overwhelmed unless you take your time and avoid taking on anything new. Work by yourself, and put off new decisions or meetings whenever possible. It’s also not a good time to hire a new person. Your personal or property safety is also at risk. Displaying a Blue Elephant and Rhino near your main door at home or anywhere you feel security is less tight helps ward off an intrusion. When you are out, carry the Anti-Robbery Amulet for extra protection.

More Feng Shui remedies to pacify the #7 Robbery/Violent Flying Star

In love, new relationships don’t take off well, and it’s best to stay casual rather than rushing to get serious. Singles could consider waiting before seeking a true love, as there will be much better times to do this.

See our Love & Marriage luck enhancers

To enhance academic or career luck, display a 7 or 9-tier Pagoda in your study room and carry a Dragon Gate Scholastic and Good Career Keychain, Education and Scholastic Keychain or Feng Shui Scholastic Keychain for Education Luck


5th Month (6th-June to 6th-July 2018)
RABBIT's Monthly Luck Rating – BAD

The #8 Wealth Luck Star brings much promise of financial success and because it’s the star of current prosperity, rewards may be seen fairly quickly. Because luck is strong, pursue new opportunities even if they are outside your normal specialty, and take charge of leading a deal to completion. You should receive the approval and support you need to sail through work and career matters. The help of a mentor is also possible. This person offers comments and suggestions for you, but also is intrigued by you and your abilities. You’ll need to work hard but your enthusiastic energy carries you through. Promote yourself, your business or your product now by means of publicity, because people need to know what you can do. So much luck potential is there for you that you’ll want to take advantage of any chance to get noticed.

More Feng Shui enhancers to boost the #8 Wealth Star

Love shines and singles could enter a whirlwind romance or even find someone special. Enjoy this romance energy. The student Rabbit finds approval for projects and can receive advice from a mentor – a teacher or relative. This smart advice helps you currently but may stay with you for a long time to come.

Enhance your relationship luck with our Love luck charms.


6th Month (7th-July to 7th-Aug 2018)
RABBIT's Monthly Luck Rating – BAD

Danger is in the chart of the Rabbit this month, with double the energy of the #7 Robbery/Loss Star. This also brings the threat of violence or betrayal since Metal energy is too high. Bringing water elements into your environment helps counteract the Metal, as does wearing blue or black colors when possible. Carrying the  Anti-Burglary Amulet Feng Shui Keychainffers some protection, and Rabbits can do well, too, by avoiding dangerous people, areas and activities this month. Money loss is possible, whether from theft or from unwise investments or frivilous gambling. At work, expect office politics, jealousy and betrayal, even from an ally or co-worker who wants to make you look bad. Stick to your comfort zone and avoid new ventures, as your decision could be clouded now. If a person or project seems almost too good to be true, they probably are being deceptive.

More Feng Shui remedies to pacify the #7 Robbery/Violent Flying Star

 Love and friendship reach a low from the #7 Star. Be careful not to be too trusting. Singles may want to avoid pursuing love or involving a date in a serious relationship. Students feel competitive now and can actually achieve small gains if they are focused.

See our Love luck charms.


7th Month (8th-August to 7th-September 2018)
RABBIT's Monthly Luck Rating – GOOD

The arrival of the #6 Heaven Star provides multiple blessings for Rabbits this month. Luck runs high and is a great improvement over last month. Your trust in people is restored and those around you are supportive and interested in you. A possible mentor could emerge – be on the lookout because work projects or new opportunities could be found through this person. Those who’ve wanted to learn a new skill or improve on their knowledge could find this is the perfect time to do so. A new venture could feel overwhelming at first, but be confident and pursue it anyway, because success can come from it. New opportunities may come from a former business associate or co-worker.

More Feng Shui products to enhance the #6 Flying Star

Romance is in the air and Rabbits feel charming and attractive. It’s possible that a friendship could heat up and become something more now. If you have secret feelings for someone, share them if you feel they may be open to such a revelation. If you don’t share, a wonderful romance could slip away from you. The student Rabbit has great possibilities in exams and studies and could be helped by a mentor, whether a teacher or parent.

See our Love luck Feng Shui charms.

To enhance academic or career luck, display a 7 or 9-tier Pagoda in your study room and carry a Dragon Gate Scholastic and Good Career Keychain, Education and Scholastic Keychain or Feng Shui Scholastic Keychain for Education Luck


8th Month (8th-September to 7th-October 2018)
RABBIT's Monthly Luck Rating – BAD

Proceed with caution this month, Rabbits, because the #5 Misfortune Star is present and is a threat in finances, relationships or health.  The excess Earth energy is to blame and implementing Metal energy can help – wear white or metallic colors in addition to gold or silver jewelry.  Lie low and avoid major meetings or activities for now. Instead, make plans for later. At work, when obstacles arise, rise above them and don’t let them get you down. Decision-making suffers this month, another reason to curb action and instead go with the flow. To help minimize #5 energy, place the 7 inch Sun and Moon Five Element Pagoda in your East sector, and carry the 5 Element Pagoda Feng Shui Keychain.

More Feng Shui products to subdue #5 Misfortune Flying Star

Conflict could arise in romance now, so think carefully before ending a relationship and also before starting a new one. It seems singles want romance they may not be ready for, and splitting up is on the mind of some couples.  Do nothing rather than taking sudden action.  Students feel stressed by studies and should also spend some time relaxing to balance things out a bit.

See our Love luck enhancers.

To enhance academic or career luck, carry a Bejeweled Golden Double Happiness Keychain, Dragon Gate Scholastic and Good Career Keychain or Education and Scholastic Keychain.


9th Month (8th-October to 6th-November 2018)
RABBIT's Monthly Luck Rating – EXCELLENT

Love and relationship luck abound for Rabbits due to the #4 Peach Blossom Star’s presence. Your normal charm and charisma are magnified now, attracting friends, co-workers and admirers who want to support you and be around you. This is a good time to network and attend social events that could be good for business or for finding a new friend. Rabbits in the fields of writing, research, communications or any creative field do especially well this month. Because you are upbeat, this is a good time to hold meetings, since your power of persuasion is high and you’ll gain support for your ideas and plans.

More Feng Shui products to capture the #4 Peach Blossom Flying Star

Love is in the air, with singles attracting admirers. A special someone could be just around the corner for you. However, married or attached Rabbits must beware the #4’s potential for infidelity. Carry a Fox Amulet for protection. Focus on your partner and don’t be tempted by a flirtatious person around you. Scholastic success from the #4 helps students with studies and tests. Take advantage of this energy and work and study hard – it’s well worth it.

See our Love luck Feng Shui enhancers.
To enhance academic or career luck, carry a Bejeweled Golden Double Happiness Keychain, Dragon Gate Scholastic and Good Career Keychain or Education and Scholastic Keychain.


10th Month (7th-November to 6th-December 2018)
RABBIT's Monthly Luck Rating – AVERAGE

Success is high now for Rabbits, with the arrival of the #1 Victory Star and the sum-of-ten luck it forms with the #9 Star. Projects you began earlier can come to fruitful completion and this is also a good time to begin new ones. Co-workers look up to and admire you, giving you a boost of confidence and the desire to do even better. A boss has been watching you, in a good way, so if added responsibilities are offered, don’t be afraid of them. Competition may play a slight role from a less supportive co-worker but don’t be hampered by it. Even though money luck is good now, it will improve even more in the future with the Star of Future Wealth, and you are concerned about success and achievement for now, anyway, rather than strictly money.

More Feng Shui products to awaken the #1 Victory Flying Star

This isn’t the most romantic time now and you’ll be more practical than usual. If a relationship has come to an end, you could find it best to move on. Or, you may feel it’s the right thing to do to move ahead in a relationship. Just make sure your heart is also involved and listen to your intuition. Students enjoy study luck and could find themselves doing better in a subject they previously found difficulty in.

See our Love & Marriage luck enhancers
To enhance academic or career luck, carry a Dragon Gate Scholastic and Good Career Keychain or Education and Scholastic Keychain.


11th Month (7th-December 2018 to 5th-January 2019)
RABBIT's Monthly Luck Rating – AVERAGE

There are negative stars waiting to strike down good luck for Rabbits this month, but in spite of this, some positive energy shines through. The stars threatening harm are the #2 Illness and the #7 Robbery/Loss/Betrayal. Fortunately, they create the Big Wealth 2/7 Ho Tu when combined so financial aspects – even a windfall – look promising. The amount of possible wealth is large and it could come from the series of opportunities that present themselves this month. Keep an open mind to new ideas and be creative in your thinking for best results. Don’t settle for something small – dream and dare!  The Big Auspicious Star in your chart arrives from the direction of the Dragon now so displaying a Dragon figurine in the East sector of your office welcomes this horoscope friend. Another feng shui amulet to be considered is the Big and Small Auspicious Feng Shui Mirror which has long been used to attract money luck. It will be necessary, though, to avoid situations where your physical body is in danger of robbery, and be a bit less trusting of everyone, even someone you considered an ally. Get better rest, eat better and avoid stress to keep yourself prepared to maximize the positive aspects of your chart now.

More Feng Shui products to overcome #2 Sickness Flying Star

Expect the unexpected in love – either in terms of a person you hadn’t considered before, or a situation that puts you in touch with someone you may consider a potential soul mate. The student Rabbit can succeed in exams and studies now but must watch their health and get proper rest for best study luck.

Enhance your relationship luck with our Love luck charms.
To enhance academic or career luck, carry a Dragon Gate Scholastic and Good Career Keychain or Education and Scholastic Keychain.


12th Month (6th-January to 3rd-February 2019)
RABBIT's Monthly Luck Rating – GOOD

Success is a definite possibility for the Rabbit who works hard and has the enthusiasm to push ahead of the competition, thanks to the #1 Victory Star’s presence. Think about your goals and make a plan, then follow through. Carrying the Victory-Enhancing Talisman helps magnify the effects of the #1 and gives added chances for success in business or academics. At work, camaraderie helps co-workers open up to you and offer support for you and your ideas. There could be a need to make some changes in your lifestyle or work efforts but you’ll see the advantage of this. New opportunities feel refreshing, so be open minded to change and believe in yourself and the path you are taking.

More Feng Shui products to awaken the #1 Victory Flying Star

Love blooms, perhaps in an unexpected way or with an unlikely person. Let your heart be open to what unfolds rather than making such serious plans as you often do. The universe has good things in store for romance! All students, and particularly the 19-year-old Earth Rabbit, could be making changes in teachers, a course of study or even friends, but this can lead to exciting possibilities, so have faith.

Enhance your relationship luck with our Love luck Feng Shui charms.
To enhance academic or career luck, carry a Dragon Gate Scholastic and Good Career Keychain or Education and Scholastic Keychain.


Read our annual Feng Shui Horoscope Forecast 2018 here.
Rabbit Horoscope 2018

The annual Feng Shui Horoscope Forecast 2019 available now.
Horoscope 2019 for Rabbits available too.


