Those with Zodiac sign Rat are born in Chinese Lunar Year 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008 and 2020
Click below to read other zodiac horoscope monthly forecast:
Rat | Ox | Tiger | Rabbit | Dragon | Snake | Horse | Sheep | Monkey | Rooster | Dog | Pig |
1st Month (4th-Feb to 5th-Mar 2018) |
RAT's Monthly Luck Rating – AVERAGE |
This year 2018 will be filled with mixed luck for Rats, with challenges, negative afflictions but also times of good fortune. This month is one of those good luck periods. The #1 Victory Star is around you, so encourage it to work for you in overcoming competition and making good changes in your personal life and your career. This can be done by magnifying Metal energy through wearing silver or gold jewelry and by dressing in white or metallic colors, representing Metal. This adds to your strength and allows you to take a few minor business risks. Get out of the rut you’ve been in and look at the long-term picture. Perhaps you’ll make changes to your work schedule or even step into a position of leadership. Make plans rather than overthinking your ideas. Your instincts will help you if you let them.
More Feng Shui products to awaken the #1 Victory Flying Star
The student Rat has a wonderful month for succeeding in exams or beginning new classes. Rats experience quite a good month for love and can make the first move in dating. Open up about your feelings or you could miss a love opportunity.
See our Relationship luck charms. Carry a Bejeweled Double Happiness Keychain to enhance love luck.
2nd Month (6th-Mar to 4th-Apr 2018) |
RAT's Monthly Luck Rating – CAUTIOUS |
Now is the time to use more caution in all you do, because not only the #5 Yellow Misfortune Star, but also the #9 Magnifying Flying Star land in your chart, meaning double the chances for difficulties. At work, the wu wang threatens obstacles to progress. Try to adjust and be flexible, while staying with what’s familiar rather than getting into big deals or trying major new projects. This isn’t the time to take risks or try to expand your business. Lie low and don’t focus on “winning” – just do your best. April and December are the luckiest months for big moves, so hold on. Keep in good standing with your co-workers, who can be supportive allies now. Focus on them and build them up instead of judging harshly. Keep your North sector quiet now to keep tension at a minimum.
More Feng Shui products to subdue #5 Misfortune Flying Star
Love should be taken slowly now and you may even want to hold off seeking a new relationship, because the energy isn’t quite right. Rats in a relationship should tread cautiously or a small disagreement could turn into a larger fight. Students need to work harder if they want to see the results they want.
See our Love charms. Carry a Bejeweled Golden Double Happiness Keychain to enhance love luck.
To enhance academic or career luck, carry a Dragon Gate Scholastic and Good Career Keychain, Education and Scholastic Keychain or Feng Shui Scholastic Keychain for Education Luck
3rd Month (5th-Apr to 5th-May 2018) |
RAT's Monthly Luck Rating – GOOD |
The #8 Wealth Star delivers good fortune for Rats this month, even though the #5 Yellow Misfortune Star is also present. The Earth energy of the #8 helps everything escalate. If you’ve been wonderring when to expand your business or take steps to increase finances, this month is the time. All Rats have this auspicious luck, but the 58-year-old Metal Rat and the 34-year-old Wood Rat are especially favored. Dream big – pursue your goals! This is not the time to doubt yourself. If you’ve researched an idea and believe in it – move forward. You can get noticed now, and get your ideas and voice heard, so don’t hesitate, because a promotion could arise from it. You’ll be respected and supported for your plans.
More Feng Shui enhancers to boost the #8 Wealth Star
The student Rat experiences education luck and should find it easier to study and gain knowledge. Love blesses Rats now, too. Your lively personality shines through and you could attract admirers. If you’ve been interested in someone previously, express your interest because it could be well received.
See our Feng Shui Love charms.
To enhance academic or career luck, carry a Dragon Gate Scholastic and Good Career Keychain, Education and Scholastic Keychain or Feng Shui Scholastic Keychain for Education Luck
4th Month (6th-May to 5th-Jun 2018) |
RAT's Monthly Luck Rating – BAD |
Caution is needed this month, due to the presence of two negative stars – the #5 Misfortune Star, which has been in your annual chart already, and the #7 Robbery/Loss Star. This indicates potential for loss, betrayal, robbery or danger, of a personal or professional nature. This isn’t the time for taking risks of any kind. Carrying the Anti-Robbery Amulet helps ward off danger, especially when Rats are outside their home, though it’s a good idea to keep it handy at home, too, since being burglarized is possible. Look out for betrayal of a personal nature or on the job, since no one should be completely trusted now. Rise above any hurt you incur and work on your own happiness. What you do at work or in career matters makes a difference, and you don’t really need teamwork for fear of being betrayed or having your reputation called into question. Put off major meetings and avoid sharing big ideas or plans with anyone, as a money loss could be the result.
More Feng Shui remedies to pacify the #7 Robbery/Violent Flying Star
The student has much to learn yet and should be aware of danger at school and at home. Focus on studies alone. Love suffers this month, as Rats may feel hurt by something a partner says or does. Let hard feelings blow over and focus on yourself rather than what someone else thinks about you.
See our Love luck Feng Shui charms.
To enhance academic or career luck, display a 7 or 9-tier Pagoda in your study room and carry a Dragon Gate Scholastic and Good Career Keychain, Education and Scholastic Keychain or Feng Shui Scholastic Keychain for Education Luck
5th Month (6th-June to 6th-July 2018) |
RAT's Monthly Luck Rating – BAD |
The #6 Heaven Star blesses Rats this month, bringing many opportunities. Plans already made seem to be moving forward nicely. A mentor could offer help – don’t turn it down. Their advice or life experiences could be inspiring and educational to you. The Gui Ren luck of the mentor can help move you toward exciting goals and projects. Some opportunities may be challenging at first, but once results start coming in, you’ll be happy you stepped out of your usual comfort zone. Now’s the time to be creative and not fear leads that may seem unusual at first. Because these ideas are new to you, things may take a while to run properly, but when they do take shape, it will increase your satisfaction and confidence. If too many things arise, call upon allies or co-workers who’ll be happy to help.
More Feng Shui products to enhance the #6 Heaven Star
A new romance is possible for Rats – including perhaps a soul mate. Singles should enjoy their freedom now; this means dating but not worrying about being perfect for someone. Be yourself. The student Rat enjoys luck with studies, partly because a mentor (teacher or parent) offers comments and advice. They will enjoy it if you have questions, so don’t hesitate to seek guidance.
See our Love luck enhancers.
6th Month (7th-July to 7th-Aug 2018) |
RAT's Monthly Luck Rating – BAD |
Misfortune engulfs the Rat this month with double the presence of the #5 Misfortune Star. With this wu wang energy, caution is especially important to minimize risks of all types, including financial, emotional and physical. Tension at work is elevated and even team members may be opposed to your ideas or projects. The threat of backbiting or office politics is strong and it’s necessary to avoid doing or saying something that could be turned against you. Walk away from arguments rather than trying to make a point, and stay focused on what you know and what you are already involved with, rather than taking chances on investments, new contracts or new business ventures. The 58-year-old Metal Rat suffers the most from the possibility of misfortune and sleeping somewhere other than the North sector is key. For all Rats, carrying the 5 Element Pagoda Feng Shui Keychain can offer some protection from harm. You will also need stronger Feng Shui cure like 5 Element Feng Shui Pagoda or Sun and Moon Five Element Feng Shui Pagoda for this affliction.
More Feng Shui products to subdue #5 Misfortune Flying Star
This is not a good month for love, whether you are single or in a serious relationship or marriage. If you do have a partner, be careful of harm to the emotional element of your relationship. The student also suffers from dangerous energy now and should avoid any risky activities or actions.
See our Relationship luck charms.
To enhance academic or career luck, display a 7 or 9-tier Pagoda in your study room and carry a Dragon Gate Scholastic and Good Career Keychain, Education and Scholastic Keychain or Feng Shui Scholastic Keychain for Education Luck
7th Month (8th-August to 7th-September 2018) |
RAT's Monthly Luck Rating – AVERAGE |
Good news for Rats - this month’s luck is a huge improvement over last month’s. The #4 Peach Blossom Star arrives and gives positive energy to relationships of all types. Because you’ll feel the improved luck, you’ll have more confidence and give off an energy that people want to be around. This is an excellent time for networking, which helps gather allies who can support your ideas and efforts. Attend social gatherings to further current relationships or open the door to new ones. This pays off now or could pay off down the line. Wearing the Popularity Amulet helps enhance your charisma now. Co-workers want to be around you and help when they can. Rats who want to improve their skills or develop more knowledge get help from the #4, which is also known as the Scholastic Star.
More Feng Shui products to activate #4 Flying Star
Love and romance look promising. If you’ve had special feelings for someone but have been afraid to tell them, now could be the time – otherwise the chance could be missed. Placing the Peach Blossom Animal (Rooster) in the West sector of your bedroom helps energize love luck, while placing a Horse figurine in the South is also love-attracting. However, all this romantic energy could create thoughts of infidelity within your relationship, so carry the Fox Infidelity Protection Amulet (Obsidian) to keep thoughts of cheating away. Students have scholastic luck with tests and studies and could do well in a scholarship competition.
See our Love charms.
8th Month (8th-September to 7th-October 2018) |
RAT's Monthly Luck Rating – BAD |
An unlucky month for Rats, with problems from the #3 Quarrelsome Star. This star is sometimes considered even more troublesome than the #5 Misfortune Star because it affects the mind and emotions in addition to physical issues. Your temper elevates and those around you feel anger energy, too, leading to potential arguments or hard feelings. To minimize the bad energy, wear the color red and carry a red accessory of some type. Even placing red cushions in your North sector can help ease anger, in addition to keeping the North as peaceful as you can. Heated discussions could arise at work – walk away from them and don’t enter into gossip or office politics. Working alone may be best. Now is not the time to hold big meetings or enter major negotiations, because you could be misunderstood by what you do or say.
More Feng Shui products to tame the #3 Quarrelsome Star
Love is affected now, too, so walk away from a heated discussion with a partner and watch that you aren’t overly sensitive to their actions. Help subdue the anger by carrying a Peace Amulet. Single Rats are wise to postpone the search for love right now. Students could argue with friends and create an emotional reaction that harms study potential. Study alone for now.
See our Feng Shui Love charms.
To enhance academic or career luck, carry a Bejeweled Golden Double Happiness Keychain, Dragon Gate Scholastic and Good Career Keychain or Education and Scholastic Keychain.
9th Month (8th-October to 6th-November 2018) |
RAT's Monthly Luck Rating – CAUTIOUS |
The #2 Illness Star creates problems for Rats now, bringing an increased potential for illness or accidents, and weakening energy and immunity. This is the time to get more rest and eat healthier to help protect yourself. The #5 Misfortune Star is also present so potential for negative energy is stronger. This creates too much Earth energy, so it’s necessary to combat it with Metal energy in the form of gold or silver jewelry and wearing white or metallic colors. It’s also wise to keep an Auspicious Metal Wealth Pot in your home sector of the North during this time. Should you have a health issue and normally sleep in the North, it would be a good idea to sleep in another location this month for added protection. Matters of career and work suffer from your lack of energy and enthusiasm and your inability to cope well with the month’s stress. This affects business and personal aspects of your life, leaving you feeling overwhelmed. Help yourself by improving your time management skills and setting a schedule you feel you can keep. Stick with what you know and put off new ventures or added projects till later.
More Feng Shui products to overcome #2 Sickness Flying Star
Love will be lackluster due to your energy level and you could feel unable to juggle romance and your job now. Take your time in what you do – if a partner or love interest is the right one, they’ll be supportive and understand you. Students need to balance their schoolwork with recreation to avoid burnout, and carrying or wearing a Wu Lou Amulet helps ward off serious illness.
See our Love luck charms.
To enhance academic or career luck, carry a Dragon Gate Scholastic and Good Career Keychain or Education and Scholastic Keychain.
10th Month (7th-November to 6th-December 2018) |
RAT's Monthly Luck Rating – BAD |
The #1 Victory Flying Star greets Rats and brings positive energy to overcome the competition and take control of your destiny. Feng shui advice to magnify this energy includes placing Victory Warrior Flag in your North sector. This star promises change that can be large, such as a change in job or a move, or small, including a change in how you look at things. This horoscope sign experiences confidence and a positive outlook which draws people near. Job offers could arise and new projects are presented. Trust your instincts and don’t hesitate if it feels right. This could be in your current job or in a new one that you’ve been wanting to pursue. This is just the beginning of a 3-month lucky cycle for Rats and it’s important to do your best and be respectful of your reputation because this helps move you onward in your success. The slight obstacle to complete victory now could come from a health problem such as an ear infection or a health issue related to sex, so be careful. It’s wise to follow the feng shui suggestion of hanging a 6-rod metal windchime in the North sector as protection.
More Feng Shui products to awaken the #1 Victory Flying Star
While love isn’t spectacular now, it’s not a bad thing, because it means you’re focused on all the success you are attracting. If you have a partner you care about, make sure you devote time to the two of you, and if you’re single, consider waiting till another time to pursue love. The student Rat has success in exams and studies and could even decide to run for an office in student council or a club.
See our Love luck Feng Shui charms.
To enhance academic or career luck, carry a Dragon Gate Scholastic and Good Career Keychain or Education and Scholastic Keychain.
11th Month (7th-December 2018 to 5th-January 2019) |
RAT's Monthly Luck Rating – GOOD |
Two negative stars create havoc for Rats this month and it will take hard work and help from feng shui protective items to help combat this. The #5 Yellow Misfortune Star is enough of a problem, threatening roadblocks to success, financial difficulties and stress as well as danger. In addition, the #9 Magnifying Flying Star is present and magnifies the potential for negativity. Unexpected financial expenses could arise, so watch your spending and be prepared for this. Anger could cause a weakened immune system, so feng shui advice suggests carrying or wearing the Wu Lou Amulet Charm to guard against illness. At work, there is a sense of competition from someone seeking to steal your thunder, and placing the icon of King Gesar and his mighty Windhorse in your North sector at work, or directly on your desk, helps protect the success you do achieve. Beware those who are unwilling to help or support you on the job and realize that your own motivation and determination will be your best bet. Earth energy is too strong now and this affects money, so avoid risky endeavors or gambling of any type.
More Feng Shui products to subdue #5 Misfortune Flying Star
Singles could find someone they think is a potential mate, but this month’s energy suggests the relationship could be over before it really begins. If you do have strong feelings for someone, take it very seriously and don’t joke about it – this could turn a potential partner off. The student Rat should use this time to balance studies and social activities so as not to burn out.
See our Love luck enhancers.
To enhance academic or career luck, carry a Dragon Gate Scholastic and Good Career Keychain or Education and Scholastic Keychain.
12th Month (6th-January to 3rd-February 2019) |
RAT's Monthly Luck Rating – EXCELLENT |
The last month of the year is a highly auspicious one for the RAT – perhaps one of the best. This is the time to move ahead with plans and not be afraid to try new ventures. The #8 Wealth Star is in your favor and money follows it to your doorstep. New opportunities look promising – have confidence that you can succeed. Even if a project is outside your comfort zone, have faith that your abilities will carry you to new heights. Teamwork plays a big role at work and allows you to handle more responsibilities. Begin putting plans into action and call upon the support that co-workers offer. Your boss has also been paying attention to you, and a promotion is potentially in the near future.
More Feng Shui enhancers to boost the #8 Wealth Flying Star
Love and romance look exciting and a new relationship could arise. Singles have admirers, and if there’s someone you’ve had your eye on, express your feelings. Those in a relationship could be thinking about the next step, whether it’s an engagement or wedding plans. Students have study success and should aim high, because academic awards are even in the picture. Work hard and then reap the rewards, and don’t let anyone talk you out of the possibilities.
See our Love luck Feng Shui enhancers.
To enhance academic or career luck, carry a Dragon Gate Scholastic and Good Career Keychain or Education and Scholastic Keychain.
Read our annual Feng Shui Horoscope Forecast 2018 here.
Rat Horoscope 2018
The annual Feng Shui Horoscope Forecast 2019 available now.
Horoscope 2019 for Rats is available too.