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TIGER's Monthly Feng Shui Forecast in 2018

Monthly Feng Shui Forecast, Horoscope & Luck Analysis for Chinese Zodiac Tiger in the Year of the Dog 2018

Monthly Horoscope & Feng Shui Forecast 2018 for Tiger

Those with Zodiac sign Tiger are born in Chinese Lunar Year 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998 and 2010

Click below to read other zodiac horoscope monthly forecast:

Rat Ox Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake Horse Sheep Monkey Rooster Dog Pig


1st Month (4th-Feb to 5th-Mar 2018)
TIGER's Monthly Luck Rating – GOOD

The 2018 Year of the Earth Dog begins well for the Tiger. The presence of the #8 Prosperity Star blends with the #3 Star, creating the auspicious 3/8 HoTu. Good opportunities emerge and your confidence and energy are high, so take advantage of this combination. Just stay humble instead of becoming too impressed by your success. Now is the time to make plans, take a few risks and lay groundwork for the future. You may get a promotion, but don’t get impatient, as it could take some hard work. You’ll need your leadership skills to encourage others to help you, and it could include taking on a business partner, in order to help you achieve all you want.

More Feng Shui enhancers to boost the #8 Prosperity Flying Star

The student Tiger faces a busy month. The 20-year-old has mentor help from a teacher or professor, and the 8-year-old begins to excel in studies. In love, your sex appeal and charm come through. If you’ve admired someone from a distance, this is the time to pursue them. Do it because you are truly interested, though – not because you just want to flirt or one of you could get hurt.

See our Feng Shui Love charms. Carry a Bejeweled Double Happiness Keychain to enhance love luck.


2nd Month (6th-Mar to 4th-Apr 2018)
TIGER's Monthly Luck Rating – CAUTIOUS

Two negative stars affect Tigers now. The #3 Quarrelsome Star brings heightened tempers and potential arguments, while the #7 often brings loss, betrayal or robbery. The good news is that they form the lucky sum-of-ten, offering success and completion luck. So, even negative energy can be turned around. Think ahead with long-term goals, because this 2018 Year of the Dog holds promise for good fortune. At work, co-workers may feel a need to compete with you and they could be jealous if your efforts prove more productive than theirs. Office politics can create tension on the job, so avoid heated discussions and keep your game face on. Now isn’t the time to take risks or expand into new areas. Hiring someone new is also best avoided, because you may be betrayed by this person.

More Feng Shui remedies to pacify the #7 Robbery/Violent Flying Star

Love is complicated, and singles might want to put off a serious search for love now. It’s best to be single than to settle for someone who’s not right for you. You may have more than one admirer approach you, but keep it light. Students should consider focusing more on studies on their own rather than in a group because someone, even a friend, is not to be trusted now. An argument could arise, which is all the more reason to be choosy in who you spend time with.

See our Love luck charms. Carry a Bejeweled Golden Double Happiness Keychain to enhance love luck.

To enhance academic or career luck, carry a Dragon Gate Scholastic and Good Career Keychain, Education and Scholastic Keychain or Feng Shui Scholastic Keychain for Education Luck


3rd Month (5th-Apr to 5th-May 2018)
TIGER's Monthly Luck Rating – EXCELLENT

It’s a great month for the Tiger who’s willing to work hard and keep positive. Things you’ve dreamed or planned are well within your grasp now. Your instincts are reliable now, so go with them while still listening to ideas or advice from co-workers or possibly a mentor. The #6 Heavenly Star is providing this auspicious luck, so be alert to doors opening or opportunities coming your way. Network with co-workers or new business-related contacts and it could lead to something advantageous. This might mean holding a meeting in your home, throwing a dinner party, or attending a social event somewhere else.

More Feng Shui products to enhance the #6 Heaven Star

Tigers are available for love luck, but it takes a bit of effort to make this happen. Make a move or express your feelings if you’ve secretly been interested in someone. Along the way, you may find out they only see you as a friend, or are unavailable for romance. But you’ll never know if you don’t try. In a relationship, if you and your partner have tried to make things work but can’t, moving on could be the best thing for both of you.

See our Love luck Feng Shui charms.

To enhance academic or career luck, carry a Dragon Gate Scholastic and Good Career Keychain, Education and Scholastic Keychain or Feng Shui Scholastic Keychain for Education Luck


4th Month (6th-May to 5th-Jun 2018)
TIGER's Monthly Luck Rating – BAD

The #5 Yellow Misfortune Star brings negativity to Tigers, who should watch their back against rumors, bad-mouthing or office gossip. This is the time to stick to what you feel comfortable with rather than making major decisions or moves or starting something new. Placing a Rooster on your desk at work can help “peck away” negative actions or thoughts from someone. It also helps to develop a thicker skin and let stress wash over you without affecting you. Lie low and work on your own as much as possible.  If possible, taking a brief vacation would do wonders to refresh your emotions and body.

More Feng Shui products to subdue #5 Misfortune Flying Star

The student Tiger experiences lower concentration and may slip a bit in terms of study success. Keep a quartz crystal near your desk to help bring focus and eliminate negative energy. Love suffers now, with singles feeling desperate for a connection and coming on too strong, too early. Relax, enjoy casual dating, and those in a relationship should consider letting their partner take a more active role in making plans or stirring up romance.

See our Love luck Feng Shui enhancers.

To enhance academic or career luck, display a 7 or 9-tier Pagoda in your study room and carry a Dragon Gate Scholastic and Good Career Keychain, Education and Scholastic Keychain or Feng Shui Scholastic Keychain for Education Luck


5th Month (6th-June to 6th-July 2018)
TIGER's Monthly Luck Rating – BAD

Last month’s luck is much improved now, and thanks are due to the #4 Peach Blossom Star. Relationships of all types are favored and communication comes much easier, in business or personal issues. Your confidence and happiness are positively boosted by this and your co-workers will sense your pleasant attitude. They may happily offer to help you if you need it. The charm from the #4 helps you succeed at new partnerships, new deals or in important meetings. You will still need to put in hard work but the rewards you notice will be well worth it. Expect completion of projects or progress in long-term goals.

More Feng Shui products to capture the #4 Peach Blossom Flying Star

Many Tigers find romance very exciting now, regardless of whether they were searching for love or not. Several admirers could circle the single Tiger and one could turn out to be very special. Caution is needed by married Tigers, though, since the #4 increases love energy to such a degree that infidelity is a possibility. Stay strong against this, because it can harm your love life. Students have scholastic luck and can make good progress in schooling unless they are overly distracted by a love interest, causing them to lose concentration.

See our Love & Marriage luck enhancers



6th Month (7th-July to 7th-Aug 2018)
TIGER's Monthly Luck Rating – BAD


The #3 Quarrelsome Star sets off a month of agitation and heightened angry energy, not only for Tigers, but those around them. The wrong word or action could move a slight disagreement into something far more serious, including a lawsuit, so beware. When possible, spend more time alone in activities you feel peaceful doing. To help tame hostility, wear the color red or carry the Tzi Chi Kau Red Dog Amulet Feng Shui Keychain, and for further protection, displaying the Feng Shui Manjushri Flaming Sword in your Northeast sector is advised. Since anger is a dark emotion, keeping lights on in that sector is advised. Try to avoid offering an opinion just to make a point, as it could be used against you. This is not a good time to begin new projects or sign contracts, since partners or associates could be difficult to negotiate with.

More Feng Shui products to tame the #3 Quarrelsome Star

Love is rocky now and arguments could arise, so walking away from a disagreement is better than trying to win. Singles may want to wait another month to pursue romance since now is not a favored time.

See our Feng Shui Love charms.



7th Month (8th-August to 7th-September 2018)
TIGER's Monthly Luck Rating – BAD


The #2 Illness Star plagues Tigers this month, with greater risk for ailments and weakened energy. Even normal responsibilities could feel overwhelming so it’s important to pace yourself, get more sleep and pay attention to any sign of illness. Concentration suffers unless you manage time better to avoid feeling overburdened by your work. It’s wise to carry the Wu Lou to protect from serious illness or the chance of accidents, which are possible with the #2. Since your judgment is compromised now, steer clear of anything risky, whether it’s activities, investments, or projects that seem too good to be true. Watch spending, too, because money luck is not at its best now.

More Feng Shui products to overcome #2 Flying Star

Because Tigers are low on energy and enthusiasm, their interest in, and participation in, romantic pursuits lack success. A quiet night is favored over a party or other spectacular event. Move slowly and keep love simple at this time – or wait for a better time to pursue it at all. The student Tiger must watch their health in order to do their best in studies. Take breaks, leave enough time to meet deadlines, and socialize less for now.

See our Love luck charms.

To enhance academic or career luck, display a 7 or 9-tier Pagoda in your study room and carry a Dragon Gate Scholastic and Good Career Keychain, Education and Scholastic Keychain or Feng Shui Scholastic Keychain for Education Luck


8th Month (8th-September to 7th-October 2018)
TIGER's Monthly Luck Rating – GOOD

Luck from the #1 Victory Star surrounds the Tiger and this is only the beginning of more auspicious luck in the future. Don’t hesitate making a slightly bold move or taking a slight risk, as success is well within reach. The Big Auspicious Star has already been in the Tiger’s chart and the #1 luck this month only intensifies it. Co-workers respond to your enthusiasm and confidence, and a boss could favor you for a promotion if you want to accept it. Your instincts are able to determine what a good or bad opportunity is – trust your decision. To further enhance success, carry a Victory Power Elephant with Magic Barrel Keychain.

More Feng Shui products to awaken the #1 Victory Flying Star

Love favors single Tigers, who could find a special someone. If you have feelings for a person, let them know. Admirers will approach you, too. A relationship already in progress could take a turn toward something deeper such as an engagement or marriage. Students can expect good grades with studies and those interested in a school office or club leadership should move forward – victory seems likely.

See our Love luck Feng Shui charms.



9th Month (8th-October to 6th-November 2018)
TIGER's Monthly Luck Rating – GOOD


There is good luck to be experienced for Tigers due to the presence of the #9 Magnifying Star, also known as the Star of Future Prosperity. This indicates the chance to make plans or accept opportunities for long-range goals or projects. You’ll feel excited about the prospects for these future ventures and have energy to lay groundwork. But, the #3 Quarrelsome Star is also in your chart and could bring about problems with gossip, office politics and arguments. It’s important to distance yourself from conflict on the job because what you say or do could be misinterpreted and lead to a heated discussion that shows you in a bad light. Keep your head high, be confident, and focus on the good areas of your work. This could mean hiring a new employee or adding to your team. It’s a good time to do so, as things will be ramping up toward success in the near future and you’ll need the help. Listen to advice and suggestions from others but don’t get annoyed if they have an opinion different from yours.

More Feng Shui enhancers to magnify the #9 Future Prosperity Flying Star
More Feng Shui products to tame the #3 Quarrelsome Star

Romance looks fast-paced and a relationship could move quickly toward something more serious. If you feel right about it, go forward with it. Students have success in studies and have the energy to pursue what they desire. Just avoid arguing with a friend or teacher – it could come back to haunt you.

See our Love luck enhancers.
To enhance academic or career luck, carry a Bejeweled Golden Double Happiness Keychain, Dragon Gate Scholastic and Good Career Keychain or Education and Scholastic Keychain.


10th Month (7th-November to 6th-December 2018)
TIGER's Monthly Luck Rating – GOOD

The auspicious 3/8 Ho Tu brings good fortune to Tigers now, which comes about from the presence of the #3 Flying Star and the #8 Wealth Star. Even though the #3 usually signals anger it will be kept under better control by the Ho Tu combination. An abundance of opportunities present themselves and it’s a perfect time to begin these new projects and to negotiate deals. Others approve of you and listen to your influence. It could be that added responsibilities will be offered to you because your boss has had an eye on you. Co-workers support you and you would do well to involve them in some of your work. It rewards you and provides camaraderie on the job. The only sign of the #3’s negativity could be office gossip or jealousy now, so follow the feng shui practice of placing a Rooster figurine on your desk to “peck away” this tension. Walk away from unpleasant conversations and focus on the good things this month, such as the wealth luck you achieve, even in the form of taking slight risks if necessary.

More Feng Shui enhancers to boost the #8 Wealth Star

Romance is favorable and those in the horoscope sign of the Tiger could be thinking of moving an existing relationship to the deeper level of perhaps an engagement of even a marriage. On the other hand, if your relationship has become troublesome or stale, it could be time to move on, for both of your sake’s. The student Tiger has luck with studies and exams – take advantage of it!

See our Love luck Feng Shui enhancers.
To enhance academic or career luck, carry a Dragon Gate Scholastic and Good Career Keychain or Education and Scholastic Keychain.



11th Month (7th-December 2018 to 5th-January 2019)
TIGER's Monthly Luck Rating – AVERAGE

While some good fortune arrives for Tigers, it will take effort to overcome the work of two negative stars now – the #3 Quarrelsome Flying Star and the #7 Robbery/Loss/Betrayal Star. These stars threaten physical danger, burglary or other loss of money, and betrayal by someone you thought you could trust. The good news is that together these stars combine to form the lucky sum-of-ten which indicates potential for success in some areas. Carrying the feng shui amulet of the Elephant and Rhino is a key element to consider, as it helps ward off angry and dangerous energy. Stick to familiar territory now rather than taking risks of any kind, and if at all possible, put off signing contracts or holding major meetings for now. Do everything you can to create a better work schedule that allows you to meet deadlines without added stress and walk away from office gossip or heated discussions. Working alone now is a good suggestion because even a co-worker you thought you could trust could be jealous and choose to betray you somehow for their own gain.

More Feng Shui remedies to pacify the #7 Robbery/Violent Flying Star

Don’t let anger issues affect romance now. Married Tigers should tread lightly in discussions with partners and carry the Marriage Saver Medallion to protect the relationship, because a possible flirtation arises that could cause damage to your relationship. For some Tigers, it may be time to evaluate your relationship and decide whether it’s worth saving. Student Tigers would be best studying alone to avoid an argument with a study partner that could affect concentration.

See our Love & Marriage luck enhancers
To enhance academic or career luck, carry a Dragon Gate Scholastic and Good Career Keychain or Education and Scholastic Keychain.

12th Month (6th-January to 3rd-February 2019)
TIGER's Monthly Luck Rating – GOOD

The #6 Heaven Star blesses the Tiger with an excellent end to the year. Put plans into action and trust your instincts to point you in the right direction, because new opportunities are on the horizon. Someone takes notice of you and your ideas and could take a mentor approach in terms of offering support or opening a door. To fully take advantage of this mentor luck, carry the Gui Ren Amulet and be alert to those who step up to help you. This is a good time for negotiations and even investments, if you recognize potential in a business deal. Listen to your heart and know that someone in Heaven could be guiding you onward and upward.
More Feng Shui products to enhance the #6 Heaven Flying Star

Romance is in the air now and singles have many admirers. If someone has already captured your heart, share your feelings and the outcome could be excellent. Don’t be shy, because the moment could pass you by if you hesitate. The student Tiger has a new appreciation for studies and a teacher or professor is happy to offer guidance and support if you keep your eyes and ears open. This is a real blessing and opens doors to further knowledge.
Enhance your relationship luck with our Love luck charms.
To enhance academic or career luck, carry a Dragon Gate Scholastic and Good Career Keychain or Education and Scholastic Keychain.



Read our annual Feng Shui Horoscope Forecast 2018 here.
Tiger Horoscope 2018

The annual Feng Shui Horoscope Forecast 2019 available now.
Horoscope 2019 for Tigers available too.


