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SHEEP's Monthly Feng Shui Forecast in 2018

Monthly Feng Shui Forecast & Chinese Horoscope & Luck Analysis for Sheep in the Year of the Dog 2018

Monthly Horoscope & Feng Shui Forecast 2018 for Sheep

Those with Zodiac sign Sheep are born in Chinese Lunar Year 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003 and 2015

Click below to read other zodiac horoscope monthly forecast:

Rat Ox Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake Horse Sheep Monkey Rooster Dog Pig


1st Month (4th-Feb to 5th-Mar 2018)
SHEEP's Monthly Luck Rating – AVERAGE

The Year of the Earth Dog 2018 has a mixed beginning now. Your spirits are good but your energy suffers from the presence of the #2 Illness Star. Your ideas are creative but you should look into asking for support or an addition to your team in order to make things easier to achieve. Just keep your tendency for perfection to stay in check or you could unintentionally insult a supporter. Accept any help you get or you could feel stressed and overworked. The #6 Heaven Star blesses you with good luck in several ways. Keep your leadership position strong and help oversee others without making them feel you don’t trust them.

More Feng Shui products to counter #2 Illness Flying Star

The #2 Star affects students, who could tire easier while pursuing their studies. To conserve energy, focus more on education this month than on adding or participating in so many social activities. In love, singles may find a special someone now. If someone appeals to you, don’t fear making a move.

See our Relationship luck charms. Carry a Bejeweled Golden Double Happiness Keychain to enhance love luck.


2nd Month (6th-Mar to 4th-Apr 2018)
SHEEP's Monthly Luck Rating – EXCELLENT

What a month of auspicious luck for the Sheep! The #1 Victory Star arrives in your chart and joins your resident #6 Heaven Star, forming the fortunate 1/6 HoTu. Intellectual luck is ahead and you can unleash your creativity in thought-provoking ventures.  To capture the best elements of the HoTu, display the 1/6 HoTu Dragon Carp Stamp on your desk in the Southwest sector and use it to stamp documents, letters or important papers. Work gets a boost from your perceptive insight into projects you’re working on. If you’re not already in a leadership position, it will seem that way as others turn to you for your wisdom and intelligent ideas .Business ventures improve and the best thing is that your competitive streak works for you now. Dream big! You also have the Big Auspicious coming from the 24 Mountains Compass.

More Feng Shui products to awaken the #1 Victory Flying Star

Sheep are so busy and satisfied with their projects that they may not feel the need to seek love right now. It will take a very special person to fit into your life right now. Otherwise, just date when you want to and don’t settle for someone who doesn’t complement your goals and lifestyle.  Student Sheep have the #1 luck strongly helping with competitions and the #6 offering blessings with scholastic endeavors.

Enhance your relationship luck with our Love luck charms. Carry a Bejeweled Double Happiness Keychain to enhance love luck.

To enhance academic or career luck, carry a Dragon Gate Scholastic and Good Career Keychain, Education and Scholastic Keychain or Feng Shui Scholastic Keychain for Education Luck


3rd Month (5th-Apr to 5th-May 2018)
SHEEP's Monthly Luck Rating – GOOD

For the most part, the month goes well for the Sheep, thanks to the presence of two fortunate stars. The #6 Heavenly Star and the #9 Magnifying Star work together to encourage blessings and make the most of them. With this good luck, your confidence should rise and you should be positive about projects and plans. Just stay focused if things don’t all happen at once. It doesn’t indicate failure – you just need patience. Support and approval comes from co-workers, especially if you spend time networking with them and asking for advice.  Taking a slight risk or two is ok now, since you are blessed with success potential.

More Feng Shui enhancers to magnify the #9 Future Prosperity Flying Star

The student Sheep may feel overwhelmed because so much is happening at once.  It’s best to focus on your studies and one or two other activities rather than trying to take part in every social event or after-school sport. Romance may not be at its best now. There is a possibility of a crossroads ahead, whether the Sheep is faced with working on making a bond stronger, or knowing when to walk away from a relationship that causes less happiness than you’d hoped for. On the other hand, some committed Sheep will be fortunate enough to consider taking a relationship to a deeper level.

Enhance your relationship luck with our Love luck Feng Shui charms.

To enhance academic or career luck, carry a Dragon Gate Scholastic and Good Career Keychain, Education and Scholastic Keychain or Feng Shui Scholastic Keychain for Education Luck


4th Month (6th-May to 5th-Jun 2018)
SHEEP's Monthly Luck Rating – EXCELLENT

Wealth and more are in store for Sheep due to the #8 Prosperity Star’s presence. You may be filled with ideas and plans, and now’s the time to pursue them, since fortunate outcomes are promising. Even though an obstacle may occur, trust your instincts and keep working because your positive attitude helps increase winning chances. If a grudge or past argument has left you with hard feelings at work, try mending fences and ask co-workers to help with your project – they’ll be happy to take part. Money looks to be improved and you may even take a look at activities or pursuits outside of your normal work environment.

More Feng Shui enhancers to boost the #8 Wealth Star

Students have success in studies and will do very well working on their own, perhaps on a new area of interest or a new project. This can help increase your grade levels and even make you look good in class. Just don’t feel pressured to achieve unless it’s at your own pace. Love arrives for Sheep, but there is no rush to settle down. Wait for that soulmate who will appeal to you not only physically but emotionally and spiritually as well.

Carry a Bejeweled Golden Double Happiness Keychain to enhance love luck.

To enhance academic or career luck, display a 7 or 9-tier Pagoda in your study room and carry a Dragon Gate Scholastic and Good Career Keychain, Education and Scholastic Keychain or Feng Shui Scholastic Keychain for Education Luck


5th Month (6th-June to 6th-July 2018)
SHEEP's Monthly Luck Rating – BAD

Too much Metal energy impacts Sheep this month, due to the #7 Robbery/Loss Star. Focus on avoiding theft, violence or loss, of a financial nature or otherwise. This extra Metal influence also affects health by creating extra yin energy, so take better care of yourself. A Wu Lou or Health Amulet placed in the Southwest sector is a wise idea, because it wards off disease. For the most part, Sheep should otherwise avoid the Southwest. Betrayal is possible at work and people misunderstand what you say, potentially creating an enemy where this shouldn’t happen. Wearing blue helps keep energy calmer and staying away from risky activities or ideas is best for now. Don’t trust anyone completely now, even someone you thought was a friend, and especially don’t take financial advice from them. Walking away from negative energy or comments helps lessen the #7’s harmful aspects.

 More Feng Shui remedies to pacify the #7 Robbery/Violent Flying Star

Romance prospects from the #4 Star are possible but with other bad luck around you, the Peach Blossom’s negative aspects of the threat of infidelity could enter. Don’t be fooled by flattery because a fling could ruin what you already have with a partner. The student Sheep needs to focus more on their health and sleep rather than trying to socialize for now.

See our Relationship luck charms.



6th Month (7th-July to 7th-Aug 2018)
SHEEP's Monthly Luck Rating – BAD


Blessings from the #6 Heaven Star arrive for the Sheep, with abundant opportunities to succeed. Obstacles are overcome, even if they had prevented success in the past. This means goals are closer in sight and poised to be reached. Don’t hesitate to make a phone call or call in a favor, as this can lead to success.  A mentor type of person could be willing to take on your cause and offer help or support, pushing you closer to your desires. This could take some time to fully materialize, but be open to it. Your charm and skills are put to good use now, but be sure to be humble, too, rather than being so accustomed to success that you appear arrogant.

More Feng Shui products to enhance the #6 Heaven Star

Love and romance prosper, with singles possibly finding a long-term partner. More casual dating is fine, too, but if you think you’ve found someone special, nourish this relationship. Relationships with family and friends are blessed this month. Students have mentor luck from a parent or teacher and should embrace this support rather than ignoring the advice or feeling too independent to accept it.

Mandarin Ducks are excellent Love luck enhancers.


7th Month (8th-August to 7th-September 2018)
SHEEP's Monthly Luck Rating – CAUTIOUS

Delays and roadblocks confront the Sheep now, because of the #5 Yellow Misfortune Star’s presence. This isn’t the time to take risks or begin new projects. Stick with what you know. Protection against misfortune of all types can be found in the Five Element Pagoda. It’s extremely important to watch what you say or do at work because in the worst case scenario, it could result in the loss of a job. Someone could overhear you complaining about a boss or business associate, so keep your opinions to yourself at work and share them at home or with a trusted friend instead.

More Feng Shui products to subdue #5 Flying Star

Love is not high on the priority list for the Sheep, whose energy levels and attitude are not at their peak. Those in a good partnership could truly benefit from their loved one’s support, but singles should consider waiting till later to seek love. Students will need their energy to do well with studies, so lying low in social activities prevents misfortune and keeps them safe.

Enhance your relationship luck with our Love luck charms.

To enhance academic or career luck, display a 7 or 9-tier Pagoda in your study room and carry a Dragon Gate Scholastic and Good Career Keychain, Education and Scholastic Keychain or Feng Shui Scholastic Keychain for Education Luck


8th Month (8th-September to 7th-October 2018)
SHEEP's Monthly Luck Rating – EXCELLENT

The problems and negative energy of the past evaporate now and auspicious luck arrives. The cause is the presence of the #4 Peach Blossom Star, which merges with the #6 Heaven Star, creating the lucky sum-of-ten. Business and personal relationships shine and networking or socializing can lead to new friendships and business opportunities. You may find yourself re-connecting with someone from your past, in a positive way. Opportunities abound and your boss could take notice. If you’ve been needing information to move forward on a project, help is on the way. If an opportunity, or a financial investment feels right to you, act on it because wealth luck favors you now.

More Feng Shui products to enhance the #6 Heaven Star

Romance is very good, though so many other positive things are happening that Sheep may be having difficulty finding time to pursue love, too.  But if you do have feelings for someone, let them know. If you admire someone from afar, ask them out now and things look promising. The student has study luck now and if they seek a scholarship or academic award, now may be the time to succeed.

Enhance your relationship luck with our Love luck Feng Shui charms.

To enhance academic or career luck, carry a Bejeweled Golden Double Happiness Keychain, Dragon Gate Scholastic and Good Career Keychain or Education and Scholastic Keychain.



9th Month (8th-October to 6th-November 2018)
SHEEP's Monthly Luck Rating – CAUTIOUS


Stress could dominate the month for Sheep if they allow the #3 Quarrelsome Star to take over. Your temper is easily set off, even when no one really meant you harm. This could mean arguments with friends and family in addition to co-workers. It’s also possible that you may say or do something that irritates someone or is misinterpreted, so be mindful of your words and actions. This is a good time to lie low and steer clear of discussions that seem heated. It’s not worth offering your opinion. Try carrying the Tzi Chi Kau Red Dog Amulet Feng Shui Keychain to help prevent anger on your part or someone else’s. Placing a Red Eagle in your Southwest sector can also work towards relieving stress and tension. It’s possible that a co-worker who’s been jealous of you is looking for a chance to bad mouth you, so be careful of your work, check facts, and give no reason for anyone to doubt you. This isn’t the month for new projects or negotiations. You’ll have your hands full just doing what you have in the works and receiving support for it.

More Feng Shui products to tame the #3 Quarrelsome Star

Love is not smooth this month and it’s necessary to avoid trying to make a point in an argument with your partner. Singles should consider putting off the search for romance till later, since the relationship could end quickly and in anger. Students must watch what they say or do to avoid arguments with friends because this tension makes for mistakes on tests otherwise.

Carry a Bejeweled Double Happiness Keychain to enhance love luck.
To enhance academic or career luck, carry a Bejeweled Golden Double Happiness Keychain, Dragon Gate Scholastic and Good Career Keychain or Education and Scholastic Keychain.



10th Month (7th-November to 6th-December 2018)
SHEEP's Monthly Luck Rating – CAUTIOUS


Negativity from the #2 Illness Star affects Sheep this month, with possibilities for illness or accidents. It’s necessary to get more rest, eat better and avoid working too hard. When sleeping, avoid the Southwest sector since feng shui energy is negative there. Figure out a schedule that you can keep where you accomplish important tasks but don’t take on more than you can comfortably handle. There could be roadblocks at work and your lowered energy doesn’t help you, making concentration difficult and causing you to possibly make mistakes. Double check your work and avoid making major decisions or setting unrealistic deadlines. Wait until another time to begin new projects.

More Feng Shui products to overcome #2 Sickness Flying Star

In love, your lowered energy could find you not particularly interested in pursuing romance or making the most of the relationship you already have. Hopefully your partner understands and you need to reassure them things will get better. The student may find studies overpowering them. It’s necessary to start on projects early to not miss a deadline, and get more rest and eat well to maintain health and avoid risky activities to avoid accidents.

Carry a Bejeweled Golden Double Happiness Keychain to enhance love luck.
To enhance academic or career luck, carry a Dragon Gate Scholastic and Good Career Keychain or Education and Scholastic Keychain.


11th Month (7th-December 2018 to 5th-January 2019)
SHEEP's Monthly Luck Rating – EXCELLENT

There is much to celebrate for Sheep this month, with two fortunate stars in attendance in your chart. The #1 Victory Flying Star encourages success and the #6 Heaven Flying Star brings about blessings of a personal and professional nature. And even better, they form the auspicious feng shui 1/6 Ho Tu when combined, indicating more possibilities for happiness. Money luck increases and projects are successfully completed. Be on the lookout for opportunities that arise – there could be several of them and use your instincts to choose what looks and feels best suited to you. Even if not every project is begun now, it doesn’t hurt to plan ahead. Have confidence that you will make wise choices and then go forward. This doesn’t mean you should rush into negotiations or contracts, but begin laying the groundwork.

More Feng Shui products to awaken the #1 Victory Flying Star

Love is happy and fulfilling and many Sheep could decide this is the time to move ahead in a relationship, perhaps even leading to an engagement or a marriage. If you haven’t expressed your love, this could be the time. On the other hand, some will realize that their relationship has run out of options for happiness, and it would be best to call it quits so that you both can seek love elsewhere. Students do well in exams and studies and may even look into new subjects that catch their attention.

Display a pair of Mandarin Ducks to enhance your love luck.
To enhance academic or career luck, carry a Dragon Gate Scholastic and Good Career Keychain or Education and Scholastic Keychain.


12th Month (6th-January to 3rd-February 2019)
SHEEP's Monthly Luck Rating – GOOD

Two fortunate stars align in the Sheep’s chart as the year ends – the #6 Heaven Star and the #9 Future Prosperity Star. This makes for elevated confidence and enthusiasm and the ability to accomplish goals. Things could be very hectic on the job, but with clear thinking you come out ahead – perhaps even being offered a promotion. Added responsibilities are a good thing now, because people can see you shine. An unseen heavenly force is guiding you and could also lead to someone acting as a mentor for you. Be open to someone’s advice and they may even open an important door to your future. Gaining positive attention is likely this month but keep your thoughts realistic.

More Feng Shui enhancers to magnify the #9 Future Prosperity Flying Star

Love is a real possibility, so trust your instincts and follow your heart. Just make sure you don’t get too carried up in romance at the expense of someone or something else in your life. Students do well with studies and a teacher or professor is happy to offer advice and even suggestions for furthering your education.

Mandarin Ducks are excellent Love luck enhancers.
To enhance academic or career luck, carry a Dragon Gate Scholastic and Good Career Keychain or Education and Scholastic Keychain.


Read our annual Feng Shui Horoscope Forecast 2018 here.
Sheep Horoscope 2018

The annual Feng Shui Horoscope Forecast 2019 available now.
Horoscope 2019 for Sheep available too.



